|Tomato 'Bosque Blue' fruit profile|
I don't think you're even ready.... Have you ever seen such mysterious skin before? Well, something deliciously wicked this way comes. Let me introduce you to the beguilingly beautiful and tasty new variety of tomato known as the Tomato 'Bosque Blue'. This tomato is a combination of heirloom-tomato-flavor-awesomeness with a color as rich in antioxidants as blueberries! Never in my life have I seen such a purplish-black tomato. So cool!

|Tomato 'Bosque Blue' fruit detail|
The color of Tomato 'Bosque Blue' is extraordinary and alluring. It tends to darken in cooler weather or in full sun situations. This is what the Plant Provocateur would call an ADULT tomato. Not super sugary but not super tart. The flavor is lusciously savory and screams "Tomato!" I haven't seen it yet, but I expect to see these fruits de fantasie showing up in salads and on other plates at super hip foodie 'restos' in 5, 4, 3, 2...

|Tomato 'Bosque Blue' foliage + fruit|
Why not avoid the frustration of not getting in at your local 'resto' and grow some for yourself? That's what the Plant Provocateur did. Tomato 'Bosque Blue' plants grow up to 6-7 feet tall and require some staking or trellising. Plants kick out green, almost velvety foliage that is sometimes tinged with purple tones and when brushed, emits an intoxicating tomato plant perfume. The scent conjures up that fresh growing garden vibe. It's one of those strange garden smells I can't get enough of. Grow plants in a sunny location. Water regularly in growth. When fruit begins to form cut back on watering to prevent fruit from splitting and further enhance flavor. When fruit begins to ripen, prune away unnecessary foliage to expose clusters to sunlight. This will deepen their mind-blowing blueberry-black coloring and give you an alluring addition to your palette. Who knew that a tomato could be so beguilingly beauticious?! Gotta get you some.