|Sarracenia Flower Kaleidoscopic|
Hello. Anyone out there receiving this transmission? The Plant Provocateur is here to say "Hey!" and catch you all up on the goings on. So, it's been a while. So much, so fast. Well, as you can see a new website has launched. Now, you don't just the pretty pictures but you also get events info and most importantly brand new shop info.

|The New Shop |
So as the saying goes...slow and steady wins the race. That's been my motto so far for 2015. The NEW shop is coming along! One foot in front of the other of course. After some contractor delays, getting and recovering from the flu, plus a few other unexpected bumps...my latest forecast for the shop's grand opening is now set for April. So, you'll just have to wait a teensy-tiny bit longer my patient friends of The Plant Provocateur. It will be worth it I assure you. More soon...