I want to introduce you to a new feature by The Plant Provocateur called The Future Flora Initiative. I've been using the #futureflorainitiative for a while now. What does it mean? Well to me, your Plant Provocateur, it means sharing a new perspective on plants and flowers that I feel deserve some much needed attention. We tend to take things for granted or just consider them generic/non-specific when we don't look deeper. If we don't change that way of thinking, what is precious to us will be gone. I don't know about you, but plants and flowers make me feel so good. They make me feel 'up' and positive. They calm me when I'm anxious or in a bad mood. Their presence also creates a sense of intimate connection to the environment they're in or with people, be it family, friends, or those I love. It may sound cheesy, but their existence in my life makes me really happy. They're a great antidote for all the craziness in this world.

Looking to the future of plants and flowers, I want to immerse you into this world of beautiful things. I want to share my experience with you firsthand. I want to give you a reason to get as excited as I do about something and tell everyone you know or keep it as something of your very own. So, I'm going to feature plants and flowers I use in my work. People like to ask..."what's that called?", "Is it real?", or remark "I've never seen that before." I figure some of you might be interested in knowing what's on my radar and what you can expect from The Plant Provocateur. So, from time to time check out the blog and see what's becoming part of the Future Flora Initiative.