|TPP at the Silver Lake Farmer's Market|
Call me crazy! Call me nuts! The Plant Provocateur has taken the show on the road so-to-speak and set up shop at the Silver Lake Farmer's Market in Los Angeles! Here's my chance to see if you, the public, are interested in what your Plant Provocateur has to offer. Every Saturday from 8am-1:30pm is my chance to welcome you face-to-face into the world of The Plant Provocateur.

|Farmer's Market Palette|
So here's what's happening. I'm offering mostly stuff grown by yours truly in The Plant Provocateur Botanical Garden. Having a shop gives me the opportunity to meet you...the plant loving public, show off some amazingly beautiful stuff to grow, love, and obsess over, as well as, give people the opportunity to bring this type of beauty into their lives. As one of my recent clients stated...Plants first, People second!
The shop is also the seed of, hopefully, an actual brick-and-mortar store to come. Right now, an actual store is just an idea...a little something I'm working on. There's a lot to do to make that happen but I figure the Silver Lake Farmer's Market is a great place to start. So, on a Saturday...any Saturday...this Saturday... come on down. Check out what's going on. I'll have plants, my Sunset Book - Sunset Outdoor Design and Build Guide: Container Gardening, and from time to time some super extraordinary botanically inspired products that you probably won't find anywhere else.