|Hymenocallis caribaea 'Variegata' floral profile|
The Plant Provocateur is back from a sultry sojourn in NYC and ready to serve up some 'plusciously' provocative plantasy. It's ground-control-to-major-tom time with this stunning satellite of pristine petal perfection! So delicate yet so strongly striking. Again, nature has crafted and displayed a beauty that looks so spectacular and pure. Let me introduce you to Hymenocallis caribaea 'Variegata' also commonly known as the Variegated Spider-Lily. Hymenocallis caribaea 'Variegata' comes to us from the West Indies.

|Hymenocallis caribaea 'Variegata' bud + bloom|
Hymenocallis caribaea 'Variegata' is a semiaquatic, evergreen to seasonally dormant bulb, that produces sophisticated and stylish clumps of thick variegated strap-leaf foliage. Its form is very similar to that of the genus Clivia. Foliage grows 1 foot to 1 1/2 feet high and about 1 foot wide. Out of flower it looks trés chic. In flower, it looks dynamique! In midsummer, long, lithe flower buds rise on stalks among the foliage. When the buds are ready, they erupt into spectacular starbursts of white trumpet-like bloom. The flower corollas are like delicate parachutes tipped with 5 whiskery white petals and their fragrance is like the sweet perfume of lily-of-the-valley with a hint of soft magnolia blossom. Seriously sumptuous!
Hymenocallis caribaea 'Variegata' likes its bulbs to be planted in moist soil or just underwater. If growing this plant in a water garden place bulbs in a mesh planting basket just below the water's surface. These plants like full sun to shade conditions. They tend to bloom more in sun/part sun conditions. Hymenocallis caribaea 'Variegata' is hardy down to 0 degrees fahrenheit/-18 degrees celsius. In areas where water can freeze, as long as bulbs are below the freeze line of the surface, they have a good chance of coming back when temperatures warm.
Such a cool plant. Beautiful in and out of bloom. Fragrance that will leave you spellbound. Imagine this as a cut flower looking like a stylish sputnik launching out of a water holding vessel. Wow!