|Palm Frond Night Moves Kaleidoscope|
Hello everyone and Happy New Year. 2015 is gonna be a BIG year for The Plant Provocateur! After all the talk, after all the dreaming, I'm finally taking the leap and opening a brick-and-mortar plantasy. In fact, I'm typing, this very post, from the cabinet of curiosities that will be the official Plant Provocateur HQ. I say cabinet because being a first time shop keeper I'm going to keep things a bit intimate. You know me...provocative.

|Coming Soon Doors|
So here's the deal. The Plant Provocateur shop is currently under way with a teeny tiny build out. New lighting, shelving, a little of this, and a little of that. My aim is to get those doors open sometime early to mid March. Crossing fingers, toes, and the beard beneath my nose...things will get growing as planned.

|Aloe Kaleidoscope|
Now what can you expect? Beauty, intrigue, and mystery. The shop will feature signature live plants. I've been searching the world for crazy cool heirloom, exotic, unusual, badass plants, the likes you have never seen. So they'll be here. Also, in a slightly different direction, I will be offering cut flowers on a small scale. Now, I won't be a full blown florist but I will feature some cut florals from time to time. Also, for the locals out there, I am providing these pieces by appointment.

|Bromeliad Kaleidoscope|
Let's see what else? Oh yeah, The Plant Provocateur will feature a select display of furnishings and 'figments' for inside and out. I'm pretty excited about this and can't wait to share with you the cool things I've found. Also, the shop will feature occasional classes and featured speakers. If the subject relates in anyway to the botanical world around us...we'll be talking about it.

|Magnolia kaleidoscope|
So a lot of people, have asked, "What will The Plant Provocateur be about?" You know when you start a business it's always a good idea to have a mission statement; something that defines the very being of what the heck it is you're about to do. Well mine is simply this... Inspire With Plants. Yeah, you may of heard it before. It might sound a bit cliché, but wait and see what I do with this mission. I've been feeling extraordinarily creative as of late. I hope to explore things that are beyond our expectations. I call it the Future Flora Initiative. I want you to fall in love with plants and what they inspire, perhaps in ways you never thought you would. Like the saying goes...big things have small beginnings. Well, that's how it will start. Now, moving forward, my mission is to make it exciting and thrive. Stay tuned.

|FiddleHead Kaleidoscope|