The Plant Provocateur Limited Edition Outdoor Plant Sale, this weekend, in Silver Lake, Los Angeles. The Plant Provocateur supplying Silver Lake, Echo Park, Atwater Village, Los Feliz, and DTLA.

Now here's a little something to get excited about! This weekend I'll be having a one off Limited Edition Outdoor Plant Sale of select plants from The Plant Provocateur Botanical Garden. If you're looking for something that you don't normally find at your local plant nursery, you might want to check this out. I've got some unique outdoor curiosities for you. Selection is limited and it's first come, first served.
Solanum wendlandii. 'Costa Rican Night Shade' or 'Giant Potato Vine'

This is a semi-evergreen vine that can grow 15-20 feet in length and width. Gives a great semi-tropical look to any garden. It's a great vine for those seeking a semi-secure barrier along a wall. This vine has stems covered with thorns, that it uses to secure itself to surfaces and climb. It has lush, big leafed foliage, compared to other potato vines, and it produces up to 2 inch wide purple-blue flowers that slowly fade to lavender. Solanum wendlandii likes full sun, regular water, and well-draining soil. It's a fairly fast grower. I have them in 5gal containers. $15.
Next Up: Strobilanthes gossypinus 'Persian Shield'

Now for real plant freaks out there...this is a real find. Strobilanthes gossypinus is rarely available tropical shrub. It's texture and color contrast are captivating. First, the foliage feels like lusciously soft cottony velvet. The foliage has a silver base color covered by gorgeously soft goldenish white hairs, giving it a regally luxurious vibe. Note: image was taken at sunset so it's super golden. In most cases it's a soft white gold color. Such a gorgeous plant. I propagated these from a plant I got from superstar Landscape Designer, plant hunter, and talented potter Dustin Gimbel. These shrubs can grow 3-4 feet tall and wide. They like part sun/part shade conditions and regular water. 4" Plants. $10.
Next up: Aloe plicatilis 'Fan Aloe'

Such a cool aloe. The foliage is to die for with its fan-like geometry. These drought-tolerant succulents make quite the statement in the garden. Their form is everything! They produce beautiful sherbet orange flower spikes and grow into a shrub consisting of many 'fans'. A bit slow growing, but always super sculptural. They like full sun and low water. 4" Plants $10. (Actually 1 gallon size - they're Big!)
And finally, a truly beautiful vine, Stephanotis floribunda. 'Madagascar Jasmine'

I'm super excited to offer what I think is one of the most lovely vines in the world. Stephanotis floribunda is a rope-like vine that produces beautiful white trumpet flowers with a most beautiful fragrance. You may have seen the flowers used in a wedding bouquet or boutonniere. They're also used in Hawaiian leis. I first discovered this vine while vacationing on Kauai some years ago. The fragrance got me! I can only describe it as heavenly. Now you too, can grow your own! I've grown this vine for the last few years and collected seed from it. From those seeds, I offer you your very own Madagascar Jasmine 'Baby' Vine in 4" pots. These vines like part sun/ part shade and regular water. $5.