Outdoor Garden Plant Sale Silver Lake, Los Angeles. The Plant Provocateur supplying Silver Lake, Echo Park, Atwater Village, and Los Feliz.
The time has come…The Plant Provocateur will be holding an Outdoor Plant Safari Sale at The Plant Provocateur shop this weekend Saturday, June 1st and Sunday, June 2nd. It’s time to purge The Plant Provocateur Botanical Garden’s grounds and greenhouse. Time to share some plant treasures with the world in order to make room for a new batch of horticultural hotness! This has become the annual event where, for a rare moment, I offer up some of my collection of outdoor living plants.
Curious, mysterious, chic, unique plants, some of which you may have never seen before, will be up for the offering. Flowering vines such as Chonemorpha fragrans ‘Frangipani Vine” from India with its big, pleated tropical leaves and dreamy scented flowers. Canarina canariensis ‘Canary Island Bell Flower Vine from the Canary Islands that produces startling orange lantern-like flowers, actively grows, blooms, dies down, then starts the whole cycle over again. Solanum wendlandii ‘Costa Rican Night Shade’, one of the largest in the Potato Vine family, produces large tropical blue parachute-like flowers and dense coverage on whatever it climbs on. Cobaea scandens ‘Mexican Cup and Saucer vine from Mexico, produces plump white flowers that age to deep purple and resemble a cup and saucer. Selenicereus anthonyanus ‘Fish Bone’ cactus with its quirky fish bone-like foliage that produces spectacular bicolor flowers.
Some other rarities include Lobelia tupa ‘Devil’s Tobacco from Chile with its tall spikes of deep red pipe-like flowers. Brilliantaisia ‘Tropical Giant Salvia from Africa that prefers a bright shady spot and will reward you with 4 to 6 foot tall spikes topped with blue and white flowers that remind me of swans swimming. Another cool plant from Africa in the offering is Berkheya purpurea ‘African Thistle’. Imagine if a thistle and a sunflower had a baby and it’s flowers were a smoky purple sunflower looking thing! Very unique and different!
Some of the plants offered have been grown from seed, cuttings, or collected from The Huntington Botanical Gardens and other California plant sales. There will also be unique succulents, bromeliads, heirloom tomato plants, and other treasures on hand. Plants come in 4”, 1 gallon, and 5 gallon sizes. Some plants are starters and others are specimens. So, if you’re up for adding a little something chic and unique to your outdoor garden come by and check it out. All plants are first come, first serve, no exceptions.