Opulent Orange Invigorates With High Voltage Verve

|Tecoma capensis flower detail|

|Tecoma capensis flower detail|

Some like it hot and some sweat when the heat is on.  Well here's something that can not only take the heat but also create its own...visually.  Tecoma capensis commonly known as Cape Honeysuckle comes to us from South Africa.  It's a ramblin' shrub that can scramble 15 to 30 feet in size.  If you keep tabs on it and give it the occasional pruning but want a more controlled look it can provide you with 6 X 6 feet of coverage.

|Tecoma capensis profile|

|Tecoma capensis profile|

What really makes this shrub somethin' is its clusters of rich orange flowers that can bloom almost all year round.  The enthusiastic color of blooms combined with its fine-textured foliage of luxurious green give this shrub a frolickin' fluffy feel.  Plus the high visibility of orange brings about a serious hummingbird hootenanny.

One of the best aspects of this attractive evergreen shrub is that it works beautifully as a hedge, groundcover on slopes or hot hillsides, and it looks elegantly opulent as an espaliered specimen.  Give this baby full sun, regular water, temps that don't fall below 25 to 30 degrees, plus some decent fertile soil, and it will power up somethin' pretty.