Blushing Blue Galaxies Go Supernova

|Globularia x indubia foliage + bud|

|Globularia x indubia foliage + bud|

From the Canary Islands comes a rather unusual find.  A dense, small evergreen shrub that produces flower buds that resemble blushing blue galaxies.  This shrub, Globularia x indubia (the 'x' stands for cross-hybrid), also known as the Globe Daisy, grows 2 feet tall and up to 5 feet wide.  In its native habitat it situates itself in the islands rocky terrain.  Come spring through summer something wondrous happens to the buds of this unusual plant...they go super nova! And the results are stylishly striking.

|Globularia x indubia blossoms|

|Globularia x indubia blossoms|

The look is très chic, don't you think?  The flowers resemble voluptuous violet purple suns with rays as white as coconut snow.  Very exotic and extraterrestrial.  If you're into strange beauty as I am, this shrub is a must it, find it, have it!  It would live beautifully in a rock garden situation and is hardy to about 20-25 degrees.  Give it full sun, well-drained soil, plus occasional water and this evergreen shrub will light up your world with the warmth of distant suns.