Alligators Yawn With Sunburst Supernovas

|Faucaria tigrina floral detail|

|Faucaria tigrina floral detail|

Here's something different from the succulent world.  A saucy little succulent known as Faucaria tigrina commonly called Tiger's Jaw although the look is more like that of an alligator.  It has cool geometric triangular leaves flecked with wild white spots and lined with fine downward pointing "teeth" or spines.

|Faucaria tigrina bud + profile|

|Faucaria tigrina bud + profile|

The profile of leaves it presents look like little alligators yawning for the camera.  In late summer/autumn these gaping jaws produce explosions of brilliantly rich yellow daisy-like flowers resembling sunburstin' supernovas.

This little guy makes a great houseplant.  Put it in a sunny window, grow it in a well-draining cactus mix, and water only when dry.  If you live in areas where the temps stay well above freezing, we're talking 50 degrees fahrenheit/10 degrees celsius, try giving it a go out in a cactus garden.  Let it bask in full sun.  As a result, it will clump and spread its magic carpet of gaping-gator-succulent-grooviness and reward you with cheerful bursts of golden glow.