|Exochorda x macrantha floral detail|
A few posts ago I said that white flowers didn't really do anything for me. As soon as I put that thought out there, white flower karma came along to kick aside my previous assumptions. The other day, I stumbled on one of those 'harbinger of spring' plants that I had never encountered before and it definitely wasn't boring or bland. May I present to you Exochorda x macrantha also known as the Pearl Bush. This deciduous shrub had come out of its winter hibernation and was full of bloom. Its brilliance and bounty took my breath away!

|Exochorda x macrantha bud + blossom + foliage|
Exochorda x macrantha produces an eruption of stems that take on a fountain-like form. In spring, flower buds as pure white as the driven snow form on stems from the previous year's growth taking on a pearl-like presence. These buds then unfurl to present a beautiful blizzard of showy white flurry-like flowers with rich centers the color of crisp green apples matching their foliar tones. The look of this springtime bloomer screams 'freshness'. It's almost as if mother nature is giving us a glimpse at something as pure as little fluffy clouds.

|Exochorda x macrantha profile|
If you're looking to grow some seasonal sophistication and saintliness give Exochorda x macrantha a go. It likes full to part-sun, well-draining soil, regular water, a good feeding of fertilizer in the early spring before it blooms, and is hardy down to -20 degrees fahrenheit/-28 degrees celsius. To ensure a future of bountiful blooming, prune back after spring blooming occurs and allow for new stem growth to take place. As a shrub, Exochorda x macrantha will grow 4-6 feet tall and wide. It looks amazing planted where it can cascade and spill its fountain of growth in preparation for a springtime explosion of pure white perfection.