|Gloriosa superba 'Rothschildiana' floral profile|
Have you ever heard the term 'showy flowers'? Well there are showy flowers and then, there are SHOWY flowers. Here we have one super glamorous example. Check it out. From tropical parts of India, Africa, and Sri Lanka comes a flower so beautiful it should be pictured right next to the definition of beauty in the dictionary. Let me introduce Gloriosa superba 'Rothschildiana' also known as the Gloriosa Lily. Now this is not your typical lily. Not by any means. It's a lily that actually vines and climbs. Up to 6 feet long! And as you can see, its showy flowers are show stopping! Cool reflexed petals, voluptuously vivid color, and a nifty nod of floral flare.

|Gloriosa superba 'Rothschildiana' bud detail|
Gloriosa superba 'Rothschildiana' grows from tubers. It thrives in areas with warm weather and actively does its growing spring through autumn. In late spring/early summer it puts out buds blushed in reddish tones. Buds burst open to reveal stunningly colorful petals of rich golden yellow blending with blazingly beautiful reds.

|Gloriosa superba 'Rothschildiana' petal detail|
It's as if the flowers are on fire. So dreamy. So sensually spicy. Another fascinating feature of Gloriosa superba 'Rothschildiana' is that its foliage is tipped with cool looking curlicue tendrils that help it cling and climb, lifting its beauty upward for all to see.

|Gloriosa superba 'Rothschildiana' details|
Gloriosa superba 'Rothschildiana' need a few key things to thrive. I've already mentioned warm temps. They like growing with daytime temps in the 70's/low 20's celsius and nighttime temps in the 60's/upper 10's celsius. They also like full sun to part sun conditions, rich, well-draining soil, and regular water. Now depending on how dry and insulated their tubers are kept in winter, they can be hardy down to 15 degrees fahrenheit/-9 degrees celsius. In areas that are wet or colder in winter, it's a good idea to dig tubers up after their growing season, before first frost, allow them to dry, store them in a dry medium such as sawdust or starting plant mix, then replant in spring. One important thing to note is that all parts of this plant are poisonous so avoid planting around plant eating pets and children. On the plus side, this plant is pretty much pest resistant. The other thing to mention is that Gloriosa lilies are pretty difficult to find at nurseries so source them online. I say get some, grow some, and witness their super glam glorious glow of exotic exquisiteness! You'll feel beautiful!