Paradise Perfume

Hedychium gardnerianum

|Hedychium gardnerianum|

For the past few days we have had some balmy summer nights.  The skies are clear.  The crickets are doing their thing.  The moon has been beautiful.  But the one thing that catches me are the night fragrances.  On the dog walk tonight I was hit by the summer scents of Brugmansia and Cestrum nocturnum (which in my opinion can be a bit much.)  These smells got me thinking about flower scents I absolutely love.  One flower that I encounter from time to time is that of Hedychium gardnerianum also known as Kahili Ginger.  This ginger lily grows like a stalk of corn but with big dramatic tropical leaves.

Hedychium gardnerianum stamens

|Hedychium gardnerianum stamens|

At the top of its stalky growth it produces spikes of flowers that are rich yellow with striking red-orange stamens.  These flowers give off a perfume that can only be found in paradise.  I find the scent to be so soothingly tropical. The great thing about this ginger is that it’s fairly easy to grow and the flowers make an awesome cutting.  Better yet try floating the blossoms in glass bowl filled with water and use as a centerpiece or a tropical touch in your environs.  Let its alluringly soft and mesmerizing scent take you away.

Posted in Plants

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