|Delphinium elatum ‘Pacific Giant Mix’ floral detail|
Come with me and experience the color of desire. One thing that spring likes to do is tempt us with tantalizing color. Here we have an ocean of it to swim in. So soothing. So calming. Its effect is just what the doctor ordered when it’s time to recover from the dull, dark days of winter. Today’s prescription is called Delphinium elatum ‘Pacific Giant Mix’. This perennial is a hybridized variety of Delphinium elatum, which originally come to us from Siberia. Commonly, they are called Candle Larkspur. I recently was rushing somewhere when I came across a massed planting of these flanking a pathway. In seconds, I was tranquilized by their alluringly seductive color and stance. My rushed pace came to a standstill as it become all to important to take in the magic they were giving me.

|Delphinium elatum ‘Pacific Giant Mix’ foliage detail|
Delphinium elatum ‘Pacific Giant Mix’ can grow up to 4 – 6 feet tall. These statuesque supermodels of spring start out as crisp green spurred-looking clumps of fan-like foliage. They then send up bud covered spires that rocket skyward to produce spectacular blooms with the most sumptuous spring colors that range from soft rose, potent purple, and tempting tones of sky blue to daringly deep cobalt blue.

|Delphinium elatum ‘Pacific Giant Mix’ Profile|
Delphinium elatum ‘Pacific Giant Mix’ can bloom for about 3 to 6 weeks. They look amazing when grown in the back of a flower bed where they can be the first blooms of the season and take center stage. They also make strikingly stylish cut flowers that bring a symphony of chic color to any situation. Grow your own from seeds or starters. Give them full sun, moist, well-draining soil, and regular water. They really like cool conditions so plant them early in the season. Remember, they originally come from Siberia. Once initial blooms fade, cut back stalks and fertilize plants. As a result, they may reward you with an encore of bloom come late summer or early fall. Spires of sophisticated color and class have never looked so delicious!